3-Story-High Avo Tree a “Unicorn” in the Hot Arizona Desert

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In an unlikely setting — downtown Glendale, Arizona — an avocado tree is thriving, producing an impressive amount of fruit for one lucky homeowner.

Let me start off by saying that avocado trees have been said to be more high-maintenance than a celebrity’s social media account, particularly when they’re young.

For the first few years, avocado trees need well-draining soil, protection from the cold, no direct sunlight, and consistent moisture to thrive (but not too much), especially in areas where the weather isn’t ideal. In most places, avocado growers worry about overwatering, root rot, and frost.

But this tree seems to have adapted to a harsh desert climate that would normally stress it out.

Growing 2 feet from the house, on the west side, the 30-year-old tree stands tall enjoying the morning sun.

The 30-year-old avocado tree growing 2 feet from the house, on the west side. (Source)

And with a little afternoon shade and wind protection from the neighbor’s house to the west, the tree has been able to grow from a seed into a 3-story high tree with an impressive canopy.

So what’s the secret to growing such a large avocado tree in the desert?

According to its owner the secret is simply a good bit of water.

That’s it.

No fertilizers, no mulch, no fancy tricks, just regular watering. And the tree has done nothing but grow taller and produce more and more fruit for the lucky homeowner, who has to climb a ladder or onto the roof to reach the highest produce.

This tree has been dubbed a “unicorn” by Shamus O’Leary, who revealed the large tree in the following video on his YouTube channel:

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