We all know that honey bees make honey and live in hives in rocks and hollow trees, so what makes a ground bee a ground bee? Ground bees are all the...
Are Ground Bees Aggressive? 9 Things You Need to Know
Some people don’t believe that ground bees are real, but 70% of all bees are ground bees that nest and lay eggs in the ground. This means you...
9 Reasons Why You Have Ground Bees In Your Yard
If you have ground bees nesting in your yard this season or there seem to be more ground bees than last year, you’re probably wondering why these...
Find Out If Ground Bees Make Honey And Why (Or Why Not)
If you have ground bees nesting in your yard, you’re probably wondering if there’s sweet, golden honey lining those underground nests. Well, I did...
9 Ways To Tell A Ground Bee From a Yellow Jacket Wasp (With Pictures)
If you’ve seen insects building nests in the ground and buzzing around your backyard, you’re probably wondering if these are beneficial ground bees...
The Best Way To Get Rid Of Ground Bees Naturally (And Stop Them Coming Back)
If you have ground bees in your yard, here's exactly how to get rid of them naturally and without the use of insecticides: The best way to get rid...
How To Know For Sure If You Have Ground Bees In Your Yard (Or Something Else)
If you’ve seen things buzzing in your backyard or signs in the soil that something’s moved in, you’re probably wondering if you have ground bees....
Ground Bees As Pollinators: Why They Are So Important For Your Yard
If you’re lucky enough to have native ground bees nesting in your yard, you might be wondering if these bees are going to help pollinate your...