If you’ve seen tiny bugs running around in your potted plant’s soil or in your outdoor flower bed, you need to find out if these are beneficial soil...
17 Ways To Tell Spider Mites From Aphids (With Pictures)
With so many small creatures that attack plants, it can be difficult to identify which pest you’re fighting off. If you’re here, then it’s probably...
Pictures Of Aphids That Attack Roses And How To Get Rid Of Them
Unfortunately, for most of us with rose bushes, a time will come when our beautiful roses will be attacked by aphids. There are mainly two kinds of...
13 Ways To Identify Aphids (With Pictures)
If you’ve seen insects living on your plants and you aren’t sure what these insects are, you might have a very common backyard and indoor pest:...
People-Biting Aphids: Can Aphids Bite Or Sting You?
If you were trying to get aphids off your plants and felt something sting you, you’re probably here to find out if aphids can bite people. Well, it...
5 Ways Aphids Get To Indoor Plants In Your Home And Greenhouse
Aphids may be tiny, but they have many ways of getting inside your house or greenhouse and onto your indoor plants: Aphids can be carried in on...
Flying Aphids: Yes, They Exist And Here’s Why…
You may have looked up to see the sky full of insects that look a lot like tiny aphids with wings, or perhaps you’ve found winged insects lurking in...
4 Ways Aphids Kill Your Plants And How To Stop Them
If you’ve got aphids on your plants, trees, fruits, vegetables, or houseplants, then here’s how much danger your plants might be in: Aphids can kill...
Aphid-Eating Ants: Are They Real Or Not?
If you’re seeing ants and aphids on your plants or trees, you’re probably wondering if the ants are there to eat the aphids. Well… Ants farm and...
How To Make And Use White Oil Spray With Cheap Kitchen Products
If you’ve got insects and pests eating your plants and fruit trees, you’re probably here to find out how to make white oil to get rid of them. The...
Does Dawn Dish Soap Kill Garden Pests? This ONE does …
Dawn dish soap is a well-known brand that’s probably sitting in your kitchen, but have you ever wondered if Dawn is helpful in cleaning up pests in...