Setting up a beer trap for slugs and snails is super easy and very effective!
SAFETY NOTE – make sure pets and children cannot access the area where you set the beer trap.
Here’s a 5-step guide on how to set up a slug (and snail) beer trap:
Step 1: Choose a Container
Select a container that is shallow and wide enough for slugs and snails to crawl into easily. You can use things like plastic containers, shallow dishes, or even cut-off plastic bottles.
Step 2: Prepare the Trap

Bury the chosen container in your garden or near the plants where slugs and snails are a problem. Make sure the rim of the container is level with or just slightly above the ground so slugs and snails can easily crawl to it.
Step 3: Pour Beer
Pour beer into the container until it’s about halfway full. Slugs and snails are attracted to the yeast in beer, which draws them into the trap, where they drown.
Now leave the trap to work its magic…
Step 4: Check and Empty
Check the trap daily, especially in the evening or early morning when slugs and snails are most active.
Empty the trap regularly and replenish with fresh beer as needed. Remember that beer can lose its potency over time as it gets diluted by rainwater or evaporates.
Step 5: Repeat as Necessary
Depending on the severity of the slug or snail problem, you may need to set up multiple traps around your garden. Keep monitoring and adjusting the traps until you notice a decrease in slug and snail activity.